I tipi di cani da boxer generano colori: i pugili americani, britannici e tedeschi

sono uno dei cani più amati al mondo. I tipi di razze di cani da boxer sono amati per le loro personalità eccentriche, giocose e leali. Sono la combinazione perfetta di un fedele animale domestico e un cane laborioso. Esistono vari tipi di cani da boxer in base a colori e motivi.

I cani da boxer possono essere paragonati alle celebrità. Secondo l’American Kennel Club, sono attualmente al 11 ° posto tra le razze canine più popolari.

Il numero di amanti degli animali domestici che sono interessati ai loro vari tipi e colori è in aumento.

I cani da boxer sono in genere pensati come cani da compagnia o da guardia. Sono anche allevati per mostrare e sport. A causa della loro agilità e atletismo, producono eccellenti cani da competizione.

A causa della loro versatilità, ci sono tre tipi di boxer.

I cani da boxer sono tutti molto simili nell’aspetto e appartengono alla stessa razza. Ogni cane boxer è unico e ognuno ha le sue caratteristiche.

Tre tipi di cani da boxer sono riconosciuti dagli allevatori: il pugile del Regno Unito e il pugile tedesco.

Razze di cani boxer

Sono ulteriormente classificati in base al colore dei loro cappotti: cani da boxer bianchi, migrati, neri, fulgini e bianchi. L’AKC convenzionale elenca solo i primi tre colori.

A parte le differenze nelle loro origini, ci sono pochissime somiglianze tra loro in termini di aspetto e build. Questo articolo discuterà delle caratteristiche uniche di ogni pugile.

Continua a leggere per scoprire diverse razze boxer e le loro differenze.

Boxer Dog Razza Introduzione

I pugili sono amati da persone di tutto il mondo, indipendentemente dal loro tipo.

I pugili americani sono amati perché sono cani di classe belli e di lavoro.

Dopo che un pugile di nome Bang Away è diventato il primo a guadagnare “100 Best in Show”, la popolarità dei pugili è salito alle stelle.

Bang Away è stato un nome familiare dopo la sua vittoria nel Westminster Dog Show del 1951.

Ha avuto molti lavori da quando la sua popolarità è cresciuta. Può essere usato come cane guida, cane da guardia, cane da protezione, cane da guardia e cane poliziotto.

I cani da boxer sono in genere considerati gravi a causa del loro ruolo di cani da guardia.

Possono essere abbastanza sciocchi. A causa della loro stravagante natura, in genere ti ritroverai a ridere di loro.

Questa razza affettuosa, leale e amante del divertimento è eccezionale per le famiglie. È estremamente protettivo nei confronti dei bambini e ama stare con altri cani. Avrai molti abbracci e baci. Non ti sentirai mai rischioso o annoiato quando il tuo cane è in giro.

Storia del cane boxer

Alla fine del XIX e all’inizio del ventesimo secolo, i pugili furono allevati per la prima volta in Germania.

Sono discendenti dell’ormai estinto Bullenbeisser. Per creare una versione più elegante ed elegante, il Bullenbeisser è stato attraversato al Mastiff e Bulldog.

Il bullo è un nome che deriva dall’esca di tori, uno sport di sangue in cui sono stati usati questi cani.

L’esca di tori richiede che i cani bulli siano aggressivi. Tutte le razze bulli hanno un istinto naturale per essere affettuosi e gentili. Molte persone hanno familiarità con i cani da boxer come il cane da guardia amichevole e stravagante.

I pugili erano in realtà in realtà addestrati per proteggere il bestiame e la proprietà e non combattere.

Il nome del moderno pugile deriva dal suo stile di combattimento, dove usa le sue zampe anteriori per la scatola.

Linee di sangue del cane boxer

Nel 1904, l’American Kennel Club riconobbe questa razza.

I pugili appartengono al gruppo di lavoro. Possono essere addestrati a proteggere, cacciare e svolgere un lavoro militare e di polizia.

A causa della loro intelligenza e velocità nell’apprendimento, questi cani sono molto facili da allenarsi. Sono forti, vigili e vigili che li rendono fantastici cani da guardia.

Nonostante sia stato registrato nel 1904, i boxer non fu permesso di entrare negli Stati Uniti fino a dopo la prima guerra mondiale I.

I cani da boxer sono ora incredibilmente popolari al di fuori dell’America.

In tutto il mondo, i pugili sono amati. Paesi diversi possono avere preferenze diverse su come dovrebbe apparire il loro pugile. Ciò ha portato a tre tipi di pugile:

Tipi di cani da boxer

America Boxer Dog

Cane da boxer tedesco

Dog boxer inglese

Tuttavia, ciò non significa che ci siano molte razze diverse. In realtà ci sono tre linee di sangue boxer ma solo una razza.

Tutti questi cani provengono dalla stessa famiglia e condividono lo stesso temperamento e tratti genetici.

Queste tre linee di sangue sono derivate dalle differenze negli standard di razza stabiliti dai principali club di kennel di tutto il mondo.

America – American Kennel Club

Tedesco – Federazione Cynologique Internationale

Inglese – Kennel Club

Sono accettati solo pugili che sono stati allevati agli standard di ogni Kennel Club. Ciò ha comportato la divisione delle linee di sangue.

Aspetto del cane boxer

Sebbene ogni razza boxer sia unica, tutti i pugili condividono lo stesso aspetto.

I pugili sono muscolosi, con una schiena corta e un torace profondo. Le loro costruzioni quadrate e atletiche daranno loro molta potenza e forza.

Un cappotto corto e lucido viene posizionato sui corpi muscolari e sulle cosce di pugili.

Sono ammessi solo brindles o cerbiatti. Il colore del cerbiatto è simile a quello di aRed golden Retriever.

The brindle is a mix of fawn and black stripes.

Although the latter is sometimes called a Black Boxer but there are no purebred Boxers that are completely black.

The black mask is a trademark of all Boxers. White can be used on their bodies as long as it doesn’t cover more than one third of their body.

Medium-sized Boxers are between 50 and 80 lbs and between 21.5 to 25 inches in height.

Males tend to be smaller than females. While some Boxer breeds are slightly larger or smaller, most range in size.

Their heads are square and their jaws are undershot. They are brachycephalic because their muzzles have a short, blunt shape.

Boxer dog Types

The Boxer dog has three distinct bloodlines but they are all considered one breed.

Because of the differences in breed standards between countries, boxer breeders all over the world have divided this dog into three types.

Boxers can be bred by breeders in accordance with their local kennel club.

1. American Boxer Dog

In 1904, the American Boxer was the first breed to be standardized. This Boxer is unique among the others because it has no wrinkles. This is due to its tight skin.

Boxers are considered working dogs and their bodies are designed to be strong and sleek. Its dense skin sticks tightly to its muscles and is well-defined.

They look similar to the English Boxer but they stand slightly higher because of their bigger paws. American Boxer has the largest nose and muzzle.

They will need a docked tail, cropped ears and a shaved head if they are to be used in show rings ( similar to a pitbull ). This is in contrast to the English and German Boxers who have floppy ears, and non-docked tails.

The Kennel Club of America does not permit Boxers to enter show competitions if their tails have not been trimmed. Ear cropping is an offense in many European countries. pointy ears are not a characteristic of a German or English Boxer.

2. English Boxer dog (United Kingdom).

The second type of Boxer to receive registration and recognition was the UK Boxer. The Kennel Club accepted it as an official breed in 1948. English Boxers are the most elegant.

This breed has the most athletic and sleekest body type among all Boxers. British Boxers are terrific show dogs and competitors, especially in agility.

These Boxer dogs are fast and agile, making them smaller than other Boxer breeds. English Boxers’ most distinguishing feature is their small feet and high knuckles.

3. German Boxer dog (European).

German Boxers can also be called European Boxers. The German Boxer is the oldest and most traditional of all Boxers.

German Boxers have larger and more dense bones. They are most similar to the Bullenbeisser because they are the largest of all three Boxer types . Their large bodies are a tribute to their hunting dog heritage.

The German Boxer must have a 2:1 ratio between its skull size and the length of his muzzle. Boxer dogs of other breeds must have a 1 to 3 ratio, so they have shorter muzzles.

American Boxer vs German Boxer Differences

The most striking differences between the American Boxer and German Boxer is its size and wrinkles.

American Boxers are taller and have fewer wrinkles than their counterparts in Europe. German Boxers are taller and have a looser coat, which causes them to have more wrinkles.

The Federation Cynologique Internationale categorizes the German Boxer in the Molossian type group.

The Bullenbeisser’s ancient ancestors were the Molosser dogs. These dogs were large with strong bones and muscular bodies, but had short muzzles.

Boxer dogs are classified as working dogs by the American Kennel Club and English Kennel Club. All registries agree that Boxers can be used to companion, guard and work dogs, regardless of their classification.

American Boxer
German Boxer

21.5-25 inches
20.9-24.8 inches

Il peso

Fawn, brindle and reverse brindle
Fawn and brindle

No wrinkles

Tight to skin and shiny
Less tight fitting


Natural, normal length

Pointy and set high
Natural, flop forward

Più ampio
Più a lungo

Breed Registry Recognition
American Kennel Club
Federation Cynologique Internationale

Working, guard, and companion dog

Boxer dog Colors

Brindle and Fawn Boxer Dogs

There are only two Boxer colors that are considered conventional by the Kennel Club. These are brindle and fawn.

Boxers are also known for other colors, such as black and white.

Each of the three Boxer bloodlines can have one of these coat colors.

Each Kennel Club may have a different description of the colors and shades they allow, however.

Different Boxer dog Breeds

1. Fawn Boxer Dogs

Fawn is a conventional Boxer colour.

This color can be light tan/fawn, dark deer or even mahogany.

According to the Federation Cynologique Internationale, fawn colors in the middle are considered the most attractive.

A fawn-colored boxer may also have white in his coat. This white must not exceed one-third of the body.

White markings should enhance the appearance of the dog. However, any white markings on the back or side are not desirable.

Unattractive markings include a white head entirely or one side.

Boxers may have white marks on their faces, but they should not mask the true expression of the Boxer.

2. Brindle Boxer Dogs

Brindle is a coat pattern that was popularized by the Dutch Shepherd.

Two types of boxers can be purchased with brindle coats:

Fawn with black stripes

Reverse brindle

A fawn background and black stripes are the most popular Bridle. The black and dark stripes should run parallel.

Reverse brindling is another option. This occurs when the black stripes become so thick that the background in fawn is barely visible.

The black stripes in English and German Boxers must be distinct from the fawn background. English Boxers can’t have stripes too close together or too evenly distributed.

3. Black Boxer Dogs

Black Boxer mix Breed

Black Boxers can be advertised by breeders as rare breeds. To increase their prices, this is done by combining Black Boxers with other breeds like Blue German Shepherds.

A purebred Boxer cannot be black . They don’t have the gene to get a full black coat .

Two possible reasons someone might have a Black Boxer are:

A mixed Boxer or a reverse brindled Boxer is what they have. Although a mixed Boxer may look like a Boxer dog, they are not Black Boxers.

Sometimes, Brindle Boxers can appear completely black due to the thick black lines. But, this illusion is not real. A fawn will be underneath.

Reputable breeders won’t sell their Boxers as being black. They are not considered standard.

4. White Boxer Dogs

White Boxers have a nearly white coat.

These Boxers are not albino but do have a flash, a type marking that is called “flash”. This flash can be found on any purebred Boxer.

The flash occurs because they lack pigmentation in their skin. However, unlike albino canines, their bodies are not entirely devoid of pigmentation.

Flash white markings on Boxers are not uncommon. A majority of Boxers are born white, with 20-25 percent being females.

White Boxers can develop fawn- or brindle spots in their skin and hair. They don’t have the black masks of other Boxers.

Because white Boxers cannot be recognized, kennel clubs insist that less than one-third of their coats must be white.

How to identify Boxer Dogs

It can sometimes be difficult to distinguish between the different types of Boxer, especially if they are not paired side-by-side.

Their physical characteristics of size, paws, and coat color are what truly set them apart.

Before you can identify a Boxer’s bloodline, however, you must first determine if you have one.

Boxers are easy to spot because they are brachycephalic, medium-sized dogs with deep chests.

Boxers cannot be brindle or fawn and must have a distinctive black mask. To confirm that it is a Boxer, be sure to examine its muscular body and face.

Once you are certain that you have a Boxer, it is time to identify its bloodline.

Every type of Boxer has at minimum one unique attribute. These are the characteristics that will help you distinguish between different types of Boxers.


Tallest, has no wrinkles and normally has cropped ears and a docked tail.
Smallest, athletic body. has small feet and high knuckles.
Stockiest with the most muscle mass and bone density. longer muzzle than the American and English.

The American Boxer is the tallest of all three. Although it is shorter than a united kingdom Boxer’s, its most distinctive feature is the absence of wrinkles.

Because it has tight skin that is well-muscled, this is why. The coat of the American will be shiny and sleek.

American Boxer has the largest muzzle and is most commonly found with cropped ears, docked tails and a wide muzzle.

German Boxers are larger because they were hunting dogs that were bred to capture big game such as bears and boars. It has a wider thighs and is generally heavier tha